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Needs Assessment Surveys and Town Hall Meetings in Logan and Lacy, 2008

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Since 2008, founding members of THRIVE (Latino Health Access, OCCORD, Kennedy Commission and the Centro Cultural de Mexico) collaborated with local residents and researchers in the Logan and Lacy Neighborhoods of Santa Ana, to implement door-to-door needs assessment surveys and town hall meetings to identify neighborhood needs and issues, from the residents’ perspective.  Data from these surveys and Town Halls were essential in determining 28 community proposals in 5 areas (housing affordability, open space, cultural and historic preservation, safety and good jobs with benefits/businesses). The coalition Santa Ana Collaborative for Responsible Development (SACReD) would take these community proposals into negotiations with 

developers and the City around the Station District development, achieving great community benefits in the project such as increased affordability of housing, a community center, a neighborhood park, and subsidized commercial space for local businesses.

The coalition then hosted an educational community festival at Garfield Elementary School, at the heart of the Lacy Neighborhood.  In addition to music and community performances, the fair-like event included interactive stations with games and activities for local residents to learn about different aspects of ongoing development in their neighborhood -- covering areas such as housing affordability, cultural and historic preservation, access to open space, and more.  

Together with several sister organizations and local residents, THRIVE seeks to make sure that the perspective of disinvested communities is centered in the CERF initiative, from the initial planning process, into the definition of strategies and selection of projects.  We invite Santa Ana and Orange County residents to make sure these public resources support economic strategies that are rooted in community participation, ownership, and decision-making.  THRIVE believes a grassroots participative approach is essential for public resources to be invested responsibly, where they are most needed.  

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