In September and October 2016, members of THRIVE led the first 3 City Workgroup sessions on the community land trust model. Councilman David Benavides convened this Workgroup to learn more about the CLT model and explore opportunities to implement the CLT model in Santa Ana, bringing together City Staff and local partners. THRIVE also prepared a presentation for the City Council Development and Transportation Committee, outlining lessons from the Workgroup including the growth of CLTs in the United States, how CLTs work, and existing opportunities in Santa Ana -- particularly at the Walnut and Daisy lot. A similar presentation was made to the full City Council on December 6th, 2016, during a City Council Study Session.
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Together with several sister organizations and local residents, THRIVE seeks to make sure that the perspective of disinvested communities is centered in the CERF initiative, from the initial planning process, into the definition of strategies and selection of projects. We invite Santa Ana and Orange County residents to make sure these public resources support economic strategies that are rooted in community participation, ownership, and decision-making. THRIVE believes a grassroots participative approach is essential for public resources to be invested responsibly, where they are most needed.
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