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Growing Together Report - A Case for A Community Land Trust in Santa Ana

A Case for A Community Land Trust in Santa Ana by Orange County Communities Organized for Responsible Development - OCCORD

We propose a new approach to development in Santa Ana, using land use strategies and community-oriented policy to ensure that growth is sustainable, responsible, and equitable.

We propose a Community Land Trust to develop and manage vacant public land, providing desperately-needed community resources like parks, affordable housing, and space for small business. We propose the use of Community Benefits Agreements to ensure that private developments supported with public funding benefit the community in addition to enriching the developer. When implemented together, these two strategies reinforce one another, with Community Benefits Agreements providing funding and support for a Community Land Trust.

Together with several sister organizations and local residents, THRIVE seeks to make sure that the perspective of disinvested communities is centered in the CERF initiative, from the initial planning process, into the definition of strategies and selection of projects.  We invite Santa Ana and Orange County residents to make sure these public resources support economic strategies that are rooted in community participation, ownership, and decision-making.  THRIVE believes a grassroots participative approach is essential for public resources to be invested responsibly, where they are most needed.  

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